Our Pest Treatments Include:

  • We will conduct a full property inspection before going ahead with the treatment to determine the level of infestation, entry points and the most appropriate removal method for the current situation.
  • We use the latest pest control products and equipment to ensure full eradication of all insects, rodents and birds such as:
             UV vacuum cleaners
             Eco-friendly pesticides
            Pigeon spikes for effective bird control
  • We offer pest proofing services to block all entry points and prevent future infestations.

Flies: Infestations of flies can grow quickly and can cause serious hygiene issues. Flies carry and spread diseases including salmonella and E-coli, which are a concern to both homeowners and businesses. Most of the time a fly infestation has a root cause. 
We offer reliable pest control solutions for fruit flies, drain flies, cluster flies and house flies.  
Common Flies Around Your Property:
Blue Bottle: Blue bottles are usually associated with rotting flesh or food. Often attracted to rubbish and bin stores. Dead rodents or other animals are also common food sources for blue bottle flies.
Cluster: Cluster flies are often found in attic spaces and cavity walls. They use these areas to hibernate in autumn and winter. Cluster flies are regularly seen around window frames. Cluster flies do not feed from dead animals or waste food. They lay their eggs in earthworm colonies.
Fruit fly: Fruit flies by name are normally associated with fruit. Usually fermenting fruit. The are also attracted to other sugary substances. Also, their attraction to beer has led them to be branded with the nickname of ‘beer flies’.
Mosquitoes: There is no part of the world where you cannot find mosquitoes other than the frozen continent of Antarctica. Mosquitoes are one of the leading distributors of a number of diseases, many of them deadly to both people and pets. They are often found near water.
Some common mosquito-borne illnesses are:
West Nile Virus
Dengue fever
Yellow fever
Rift Valley fever
Canine Heartworm
Chikungunya Virus
House flies start off as tiny white maggots, feeding on dead or decaying matter. 
The problem with flies is that they prefer to eat things such as waste materials, garbage and even rotten meat.
House Flies are not just a nuisance, in homes all over the world, they have the propensity to carry serious bacteria, parasites and viruses, and can be quite difficult to get rid of once they have infested a particular area
How to Keep Flies Away
  • Covering food – flies spread diseases by landing on food before we eat it
  • Clearing away food and liquid spillages immediately
  • Cleaning food debris from under kitchen appliances
  • Making sure all garbage bins have tightly sealed lids
  • Keeping compost enclosed and covered
  • Cleaning up after pets – not only are feces the perfect breeding place for flies but also somewhere a fly may land before landing on your food
  • Flies are also fond of reproducing in standing water, so other prevention methods include:
  • Ensuring drains are kept clear and running
  • Treating drains that seem to have flies with bleach 
  • Ensuring gutters and water gullies are not blocked
  • Covering water butts with a lid
  • Not leaving standing water around (e.g., in watering cans, potted plants)
  • After dark, keeping windows and doors closed or block out the light with curtains
  • Fitting fly screens to windows especially around kitchen and waste areas.