Our Pest Treatments Include:

  • We will conduct a full property inspection before going ahead with the treatment to determine the level of infestation, entry points and the most appropriate removal method for the current situation.
  • We use the latest pest control products and equipment to ensure full eradication of all insects, rodents and birds such as:
             UV vacuum cleaners
             Eco-friendly pesticides
            Pigeon spikes for effective bird control
  • We offer pest proofing services to block all entry points and prevent future infestations.


Fleas: Fleas feed on a wide variety of warm-blooded vertebrates including humans, dogs, cats, rabbits, squirrels, ferrets, rats, mice and birds. Dealing with the problem requires treating infected animals, cleaning flea-infested areas, and taking preventative measures to keep the fleas from returning. Fleas can also transfer tapeworms and cause anemia in pets, which is why active flea management is an important component of pet care. Flea bites commonly cause painful, itchy red bumps. You can protect yourself from flea-transmitted diseases by eliminating fleas at the source. Treat your pets and your home with flea killers that include a growth inhibitor. This prevents immature fleas from reaching maturity and reproducing.

When flea treatment is not done on time, fleas multiply quickly and spotting or catching them is quite difficult because of their small size and quickness.

If you suspect a flea infestation, it is important to hire a flea control professional to rid your home of rodents and fleas.

We offer discreet and affordable flea treatment for homes and commercial premises. You can also take advantage of our eco-friendly heat treatment which ensures total removal of variety of insects, including fleas.

Why You Need a Professional Pest Control for Fleas?

Fleas are parasites that draw blood from their hosts – this is their main food source. The flea larvae, on the other hand, consumes organic waste. They live near the adults and scavenge for their blood-rich bodily deposits. The adults are about 2.5 mm long – they don’t have wings and their bodies are covered in tiny spines with piercing mouthparts. The flea eggs can hatch on different places around your home – wall coverings, fissures, beds and so forth, nothing is protected. If your pets repeatedly scratch and groom themselves, it is a clear sign of a flea infestation and a hint that your home is in a need of a professional flea treatment.

If you see black, pepper-like particles in pet beds or in other privy places they use, it is a clear indication of a flea presence. Fleas are very difficult to catch – they can jump up to 25 centimeters! Trying to catch them individually is a lost cause. A single flea lives up to 100 days and needs one mate to produce up to five hundred larvae.

If you notice red spots surrounded by reddened halos, you should contact a doctor immediately as some people develop an allergic sensitivity to being bitten, leading to an itchy rash or eczema. Fleas spread diseases such as typhus and tularemia.

Store-bought sprays and products are the temporary and ineffective method of getting rid of the problem, increasing their resistance to further treatments – it can do more harm than good. It is advisable to get a professional exterminator to discuss the proper flea treatment measures that need to be taken.

How to Keep Fleas Away:

  • Vacuum carpets and furnishings where pets sleep to remove fleas and eggs. Use the strongest suction that will not damage the fabric. Take care emptying the vacuum cleaner as fleas will still be alive.
  • Shake or beat rugs and pet bedding outdoors so that fleas and eggs fall off
  • Wash pet bedding every week, ideally at temperatures above 49℃ to kill fleas
  • Take care when transferring bedding, rugs, etc., to avoid spreading flea eggs
  • Consider placing pet beds in areas without carpets such as on wooden floors
  • Minor flea infestations can be treated by spraying the affected areas with insect killer or flea killer sprays. Established flea infestations will have spread around the home and may require professional treatment.